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Analytical Therapy. Explained in simpler terms.

Psychotherapy methods » Analytical Therapy

What is Analytical Therapy in simpler terms explained by 7 practicing psihologists.

Ukrainian therapists describe how analytical therapy works.

Analytical Therapy

Our psyche contains the conscious and unconscious, the unconscious is not directly accessible to consciousness. Analytical psychotherapy adheres to the idea that the unconscious communicates with our consciousness through symbols that can appear in our dreams or fantasies. Interpretation of dreams - an important part of analytical psychotherapy.

Alla Viktorovna Sagaidak

The feeling of anxiety becomes one of the familiar companions for every human being. This is what we call “real anxiety”.
But when can this emotion be called exciting or even disturbing ?
When it arises automatically, without prior signal or sign, and sweeps away all our defenses, leaving us with a feeling of helplessness that causes other emotions such as fragmentation, disintegration, dissolution, lack of ground under our feet, weakness and even a feeling of emptiness.
It is one thing to have ordinary worries, but it is quite another thing to be constantly upset by unwanted feelings of restlessness and discomfort.They attack the individual at any time, unexpectedly, causing all sorts of symptoms, ranging from simple or complex suppressions, which can be harmful everyday activities, to terrible, painful attacks of disintegration of the self.
Most often, people try to automatically explain their pain by looking for a motive; this is what psychoanalysis calls “rationalization,” which is an attempt to make pain more bearable. But most often these are only secondary reasons. The real cause should be sought through some “talking work” within the framework of a psychoanalytic relationship, which can reveal the “mysterious” facts underlying the anxiety.

Valeria Yuryevna Mtsituri

Often starting therapy (own analysis) is caused by an unbearable experience: “That’s it, I can’t do this anymore!” unbearability begins long before this. A vague feeling that something has gone wrong in life permeates all areas. Coming into analysis, a person secretly hopes that it is not with him, but with his environment that something is wrong, and he will be given a recipe on how to survive in all this. The Jungian approach (analytical psychology) is that a person’s symptoms have a hidden meaning and, at the same time, this is creative potential for development. You cannot “remove something” or “something” from life add" at the discretion of the psychologist. Each of us goes through a long journey of our own search for meaning and self-fulfillment. Life has everything - both pain and joy. A person solves the main problems: 1) in the first half of life - how to satisfy the needs and expectations of those close to him; 2) in the second half of life - how to be true to yourself. An analytical psychologist is present at this search for a person. He is not a commander, not a means for the client’s self-realization - he is the one who exercises presence... At first he supports, strengthens the inner experience of the Self, helps to accept his own split-off parts, then helps to learn to confront, then he is a partner in finding himself, then... The main thing is , he is a person with whom a close but professional relationship arises. This is therapeutic.

Olga Borisovna Bernatskaya

Analytical, psychodynamic therapy is one of the most popular methods of therapy. Very interesting is the work with dreams in this method: about hidden complexes and images with personal understanding and filling of this image by the client. Therapist refrains from interpretations, uses the methods of semantics (understanding words) and phenomenology (isolating individual phenomena, phenomena in mental life and their meanings).
It is very interesting and entertaining in this method to work with drawings in the context of the study of dreams.

in order


Basis: our temperament, personality type.

What will we do?
Resolve the conflict situation between I-OK and I-not-OK.
We will talk through (analyze) our life from childhood until the moment when we began to feel discomfort.

What will we work with?
With the I-unconscious, i.e. .on the dominant, innate personality traits, temperament and character.
We will try to figure out why our unconscious is in discord with the conscious, i.e. acquired due to upbringing, communication and life situation.

What is the result : understanding and acceptance of your inner self, finding methods for a successful life path. Internal and external comfort

Maria Fabricheva

Psychoanalysis arose at the dawn of the twentieth century thanks to the talent of the famous Austrian psychiatrist and psychologist Sigmund Freud, who proved that our consciousness is only a small particle of personality. Our everyday life is powerfully influenced by the unconscious - our secret socially unacceptable drives that strive to come out. However, the unconscious is opposed by our mental censorship (parental and social prohibitions), and at the junction of this conflict all kinds of mental traumas, neuroses, phobias, etc. are born.

Psychoanalysis is a personality-oriented method, i.e. the psychoanalyst is of little interest in diagnoses and symptoms, the focus of his attention will be the personality of the patient as a whole. In the process of psychoanalysis, self-awareness and self-understanding of the personal unconscious occurs - the keys to changing psychological attitudes, overcoming anxiety and fear. However, , for psychological changes we need an object, i.e. a psychoanalyst, onto whom we project our emotions - without this it is impossible to understand the deep aspects of our essence!

If psychoanalysis is a method of studying the psyche, then psychoanalytic therapy is the clinical application of psychoanalysis. Already during the therapy process, patients note that their relationships with others become more successful and adequate. Life becomes fuller, people begin to breathe deeply. New successes are coming in work, personal life and creativity!

in order


Psychoanalysis is a wonderful method if you need to explain the motives of certain actions and actions of a person. Based on the fact that two “I” coexist in a person in a unique way (some have more): ). This is the “conscious self”, existing in a given space and time, living in a real society, possessing accumulated experience and knowledge, obeying the laws and concepts of society. And “I am the unconscious”, existing in several dimensions at once, living deep inside the vast cosmos called man, owning all forgotten, discarded, misunderstood and hidden knowledge, obeying the laws of the living soul. These two “I” feel good and comfortable, each at their own level. But as soon as our conscious self gets confused, hesitates, doubts the correctness of its actions, the unconscious self intervenes. But it is not very talkative, so it sends us messages (SMS) in the form of dreams, visions, memories, inexplicable anxiety, fantasy. He sneaks into creativity with repeated symbols and signs...
And the psychologist is a sophisticated creature. Knows how to parse these messages and unravel the signs. She also knows how to break down complex feelings into small emotions. He will take the analytical method into full use and tell the client where to look for the problem. And if you know the reason, you can change something. This is a benefit for both “I” and relief for the person.

Lyudmila Vladimirovna Knysh

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