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Symboldrama Therapy. Explained in simpler terms.

Psychotherapy methods » Symboldrama Therapy

What is Symboldrama Therapy in simpler terms explained by 5 practicing psihologists.

Ukrainian therapists describe how symboldrama therapy works.

The main technique of symbodrama is the client’s presentation of an image on a given topic in a state of relaxation. Clinically highly effective in the short-term treatment of neuroses, depression, fears and psychosomatic diseases. Used in individual cooperation, in couples psychotherapy, in establishing parent-child relationships.

The unconscious does not know words. It thinks in pictures. This method allows you to “communicate" with the unconscious on a figurative level. Express (anger), let go (resentment), forgive (parent). And to do this in an unobtrusive form of traveling through the “landscapes of your soul." Classic images of symbol drama involve memories or fantasies about nature, archetypal images correlated with life situations, current needs and conflicts.

After a preliminary conversation, the psychotherapist asks present the image to the client, who is in a relaxed state on the couch or comfortably sitting in a chair.The duration of the presentation depends on the age of the patient and the nature of the motive, on average it takes about 20 minutes. The course of psychotherapy lasts, as a rule, 8-15 sessions. However, significant improvements occur after the first few sessions, to the point that sometimes even one session can deprive the patient of a painful symptom or help solve a problematic situation. Homework is also practiced: keeping a diary and drawing what was presented in the image. Analysis of records and drawings leads to awareness of the experience on a conscious level.

Valentina Yuriivna Parobiy

A few words about symboldrama:
Psychotherapy using the symboldrama method is a path that you go through together with a therapist. A path that carries joy and suffering, pleasant surprises and painful trials. This is the same path as life. And by going through it together, you learn to be more resilient, braver, become more mature, learn to withstand difficulties and gain experience, are filled with wisdom. And the result is always the same - rebirth in a new quality for a more complete and meaningful life. life. This is a course of psychotherapy using symbol drama.
There is also psychotherapy using this method, intended for 1 session. With its help, you can relieve tension, find the right answer in a hopeless situation, gain confidence and stability in life.

nThis method is recognized in Germany by the healthcare system. It is effectively used in the treatment of cancer patients and severe, prolonged depression.

Psychotherapy can last from 1 session to 2-2.5 years. Long-term therapy is especially necessary in difficult life situations .

Lesya Nikolaevna Yakovleva

I’ll add from myself. I often work with images and metaphor, using elements of symboldrama. And there were many situations when the Client, having felt his problem in the form of an image and often its “location” in his body , studied it, "talked" with it, received information from it and transformed it into something better, and sometimes completely destroyed it. And immediately his condition changed dramatically for the better. Example (mini-fragment of consultation).
nClient (K): My fear about my boyfriend’s attitude towards me is like a dark dense cloud, like a thick disk.
I. Where is it?
K. Here (heart area).
I. What is your relationship to this disk, the cloud?
K: It’s unpleasant. I can’t be myself... Something seems to be closing me off.
I: How would you feel without it?
nK. (Pause, look “lightens”). I think it’s much better. (pause) I could figure out that my boyfriend really loves me... That this is not my illusion...
Me. And if this disc is you Will you remove it?
K. Interesting. Worth a try.
I am. Let's!
K. (sits with eyes closed). Here it is on your hand. I pulled it out with my hand, there was still a black cord stretching there... Towards my heart. I took it out too.
Me. And how is it now?
K. Oh, it’s much easier, as the space is freed up, it’s easier to breathe.
I.What will you do with it?
K. I'll burn it in a big oven...it's burning!!!
I am. And how?
K. It’s easy, and there’s some kind of freedom.
I am. Did this action help you?
K. Yes very. I understand, I was just afraid of other people's experiences, but I have my own.
Me. What is your attitude towards fear now?
K. But it’s not there... I feel calm and confident.

Irina Alekseevna Selivanovskaya

symboldrama or catathymic-imaginative psychotherapy can be understood as the emotional experience of images. This is a method of “dreams in reality”, since the psychotherapist can cause in a person a representation of image-imaginations similar to dreams in reality. It works with the unconscious, and not with a person’s fantasies - this is fundamental. Fantasies can be controlled, but images (like dreams) cannot. Essentially, symboldrama is a regression back into the past, when a person remembers, analyzes, and, if necessary, corrects in his imagination what happened in his life, acquiring new internal experience, which, through conversations with a psychotherapist and comprehension, is transferred into everyday life. For this, a person is put into a state of relaxation and asked to imagine a special motive or freely any image. At the same time, he talks about his experiences to a psychotherapist sitting next to him, who “accompanies” the patient in his images and, if necessary, directs their course in accordance with the psychotherapy strategy. Psychotherapists using the symboldrama method use more than a hundred motives, as well as the presentation of real situations, thanks to which they achieve very quick and positive solutions to problems and behavior changes. Symboldrama's specialty in the treatment of complex somatic diseases (oncology, multiple sclerosis, heart problems, etc.) is Imaginative body-oriented psychotherapy according to Dr. Ljos. Today in Ukraine there are already specialists who work in this technique.

in order


symboldrama is a modern method of psychotherapy that is rooted in ancient spiritual practices. The consultant introduces the client into an altered state of consciousness "waking dream", in which the client explores his unconscious and actively interacts with it. The consultant accompanies the client in this state, using special knowledge and techniques. As a result of this work, a change in the emotional state occurs, a weakening or complete relief from neurotic symptoms, insights regarding how to get out of a problematic situation. As a result, a change in life circumstances and life in general.

Emel Tuaiti

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