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Hellinger Therapy. Explained in simpler terms.

Psychotherapy methods » Hellinger Therapy

What is Hellinger Therapy in simpler terms explained by 4 practicing psihologists.

Ukrainian therapists describe how hellinger therapy works.


All of us, regardless of whether we want it or not, are involved in systems. The family in which we live, the parental family, clan, as well as organizations, have an impact on us. In each of these systems we are in relationships. Relationship systems are built according to certain laws. And if they are violated, we or our loved ones feel uncomfortable. Violation of laws in the system leads to such negative phenomena as conflicts, depression , crises in relationships. This is what prevents us from developing, growing, takes a lot of energy. Family systemic constellations are one of the methods of family systemic psychotherapy, which allows you to clearly see relationship violations. The essence of the constellations is that the client creates a system of relationships, with the help members of the psychotherapeutic group. This allows you to look at this system from the outside, \"get out\" for a while from the relationship. Through a series of intermediate steps, you can see the solution to the problem situation and feel how suitable it is for this particular client. The image-solution imprinted in the mind remains with the client for a long time and serves as a resource for change. Systemic family constellations are valuable because in one session they allow you to do a huge amount of psychotherapeutic work, which with the help of other psychotherapeutic methods takes many sessions.

in order


systemic family therapy is a modern method of psychotherapy that is based on systems theory and deals with correcting connections between all(!) family members. There are unobvious and invisible connections that determine the functioning of the family system. From this point of view, illness is one of the states (elements) of the family system, which is created by a special type of relationships in the family. The functioning of the family is influenced not only by processes within the nuclear family (spouses or spouses + their children), but also by processes in families of their parents, family history, family myths; from external factors, the fulfillment of spouses, social conditions and many others, which families usually do not pay attention to.
Clinical case: enuresis in a 7-year-old child, sick since 2 years, regular courses treatment - medication and hypnotherapy, diet, psychocorrective measures with the child in an individual mode did not give a stable remission and the family was sent to a systemic psychotherapist. From the point of view of systemic therapy, enuresis was considered as a symptom expressing aggression between mom and dad in a latent form of marital conflict -distancing (this is when spouses do not quarrel and do not talk about their grievances, but simply do not talk for a long time, or communicate through the child), the level of tension and anxiety in such a family is high, which caused a symptom in the child (enuresis). Therapy with marital relations couple made it possible to rebuild family dynamics and the need for a symptom disappeared, the child is healthy (clinical effect for 2 years).

Tatyana Vladimirovna Belyaeva

Other Therapies:

психотерапія Ecofacilitation Therapy
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психотерапія Existential Therapy
Екзистенційний аналіз
психотерапія Ta Therapy
Транзактний аналіз
психотерапія Body-oriented Therapy
Тілесна терапія
психотерапія Thanatos Therapy
Терапія смертю
психотерапія Hypnosis Therapy
психотерапія Symboldrama Therapy
Кататимно-імагінативна психотерапія

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