Ta Therapy. Explained in simpler terms.
Ukrainian therapists describe how ta therapy works.
Transactional analysis is indispensable in situations related to a person’s life according to the parental scenario. On a piece of paper we structurally depict ego states and, using a diagram, analyze certain problem situations, considering all possible options for interaction patient with significant people.
Elena Georgievna Maksimenko
Transactional analysis allows us to better understand ourselves. Each of us contains three “subpersonalities”: Child (our desires, needs, or, conversely, reluctance to do something), Parent ( all our “shoulds”, “shoulds”, “don’ts”, that is, the norms and regulations that guide us in life), as well as the Adult who is trying to find a compromise between the desires of the Child and the instructions of the Parent. Very often the client is in a state of internal conflict precisely because his Parent and Child cannot agree in any way. For example, a man wants to be an artist, but his inner Parent insists that he needs to earn a lot of money and build his own business. Or a woman wants to take a break from worries, but her inner Parent says that only a bad mother can go on vacation without her children. And such people suffer simply because they do not understand how to find a way out of the current “vicious circle.”
Daria Aleksandrovna Selivanova
In the course of work, we learn to see these conflicts, we try to figure out what each of the subpersonalities wants. Analysis of true desires and needs, as well as “parental” programs that interfere with their satisfaction, helps to find a compromise solution that would resolve the internal contradiction. This allows you to gain inner integrity and stop fighting yourself. And most importantly, it gives a feeling of joy and allows you to feel the fullness of life.
I recommend transactional analysis to those who want to take a fresh look at their life, who want to live their true desires and feel happy!
Transactional analysis is based on simple general philosophical principles:
Maria Fabricheva
1. The person who asked for help is in perfect order.
2. Each person, at every moment in time, does the best he can, and is guided by the options he knows for solving problems, behavior options, and past experiences.
I recommend TA to those who want to understand themselves and learn to manage your internal resources as an integral system that harmoniously interacts with others.
Transactional analysis is a surprisingly simple and at the same time very deep method of speaking with a client in the language of an 8-year-old child. After all, most client requests are rooted in children under 8 years of age, which is precisely why In the psychotherapeutic process, it is very important to create a safe and understandable space specifically for the child's ego - the state of the client. The techniques that transactional analysts use in their work (regression, rebirth, re-decision) directly influence changes in children's decisions. And the main idea laid down by the author of the method, E. Berne - help the client solve his problem in just one session.
Tatyana Vladimirovna Serga
I invite you to explore with me this simple, and at the same time ingenious method of changing your own life.![]()
Transactional analysis (TA) is a soft and understandable path in psychology. Having understood yourself through TA, life changes significantly. It becomes easier to achieve goals, accept other people, take care of loved ones and ourselves. Each of us is unique and deserves respect for ourselves, for our personal space, for experiencing the full range of feelings without harming another person. TA gives many permissions for this. Transactional analysis is the most caring method in psychology, it is loyal to both both the client and the psychologist. He puts everything in its place, clarifies cause and effect, reveals new paths and resources. This method is pleasant and easy to work with. The main thing is to want change.
Valentina Ivanovna Zakharchenko![]()
Transactional Analysis (TA) is a theory of personality and a model of systematic psychotherapy for the purpose of personality development and change (International Association for Transactional Analysis).
Bogdan Vlasov
TA is a model of psychotherapy , which was developed by Eric Berne in the 1960s. In developing this approach, Berne set himself the goal of making deep psychological theory accessible to understanding and study (hence the TA proverb about the language of an eight-year-old child). He relied on classical psychoanalysis and made a successful attempt to modify and transfer to the TA model of the psyche (Child, Adult and Parental ego states), ideas about the unconscious (psychological games, life scenario).
Bern and his numerous supporters developed a theory of communication, developed a humanistic philosophy (I am OK, You are OK), psychotherapeutic contracts, explored the influence of twelve parental prohibitions and five (six - Case Tudor) drivers, stages of mental development in adulthood, introduced the term “Inner Critic” into everyday speech and much more.
Since TA is a fairly mature approach, which is actively developing to this day, it includes various schools: classical TA, psychoanalytic TA, school of re-decision, school of cathexis, integrative TA, Relational TA, Co-creative TA and others. These approaches differ in techniques, theoretical views, and references to specialists from other areas, but the key philosophical ideas remain unchanged:
1. Every person has the ability to think, develop and make decisions.
2. People decide their own destiny and can change.
3. All people are OK (“Your actions may not be OK, but you as a person are OK”).
To summarize the above, TA is an evolving psychotherapeutic approach that includes elements of CBT, psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic therapy , Gestalt therapy, humanistic and existential therapy.
The advantage of TA is that it can be studied by anyone, regardless of their field of work and interests. TA is not only about psychotherapy, but about life in general. Therefore, it is also used in consulting (organizing trainings, coaching sessions), and in education, and in organizations.
Selected literature:
- Eric Berne, “Games People Play - People who play games"
- Thomas Harris, "I'm OK, You're OK"
- Bob and Mary Goulding, "New Solution Psychotherapy"
- Dmitry Shustov, "Manual of Clinical Transactional analysis"
- Ian Stewart, Vann Joins "Modern TA".
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