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Tomalogy Therapy. Explained in simpler terms.

Psychotherapy methods » Tomalogy Therapy

What is Tomalogy Therapy in simpler terms explained by 1 practicing psihologists.

Ukrainian therapists describe how tomalogy therapy works.

Tomalogy is a modern holistic approach to human development that arose at the intersection of advanced achievements of motivational psychology and traditional methods of self-knowledge.

The approach was based on the practical developments of a research group created in 1995 under the leadership of Elizaveta Leonidovna Tom. The main direction of research was the study of the influence of mindfulness on key aspects of human life. In the process of practice, simple, effective techniques were developed that allow modern man to fully realize his life potential, being in harmony with himself and the world around him.

The name "Tomalogy" originally arose as a play on words, on the one hand, expressing respect for the leader of the research group, and on the other, expressing the essence of the research method. The word "tomalogy" has two roots: "tom" - from Greek "?????", which means part, layer; and "alogia" - from the Greek "?? 959;???", which can be understood as a science or field of research not limited by the framework of rational logic. Thus, a layer-by-layer study of the human mind is indicated, taking into account his subjectivity and pointing to the transcendental, holistic nature of the experience experienced in the process of cognition.

Tatyana Aleksandrovna Strashuk

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