Humanistic Therapy. Explained in simpler terms.
Ukrainian therapists describe how humanistic therapy works.
Humanistic psychotherapy for me is, first of all, if you like, the worldview position of the psychologist. That is, this means that the client and the psychologist communicate on equal terms, there is no pressure from the psychologist’s authority on the client, the psychologist has no desire to impose anything on the client and tell him “how it should be.” There is no assessment of the client, there is boundless acceptance and faith in the resources and potential of each person.
Olga Vladimirovna Lazarenko![]()
I understand the humanistic approach - from the Latin "humanos" - human - the unity of Man with Man and Man with himself; complete understanding of each other and acceptance of any Man as he is. I believe that most psychotherapeutic methods and schools are based on a humanistic approach, because a person helps himself, and we help him get results and learn to cope independently with similar situations. The essence of this approach is the recognition of a person’s freedom to build his own life and the ability to do this, in the understanding of a person as an integral unity of body, psyche and spirit. Representatives of the humanistic movement tend to see a person as an innately active, self-affirming being, increasing his capabilities, capable of positive growth. The psychotherapist’s efforts are aimed at the personal growth of the patient, and not just elimination of some painful symptoms. According to “humanists”, the individual has a desire to unite with others like himself, the need for love, friendship, and cooperation. It is only important to liberate these tendencies and create an atmosphere of security and safety for their natural manifestation. The main goal of humanistic psychotherapy is to awaken a person’s strengths aimed at creating his own life. After all, one’s own life is a work of art that every creative person creates, and a humanistic psychologist is able to provide the necessary assistance in this creativity.
Irina Alekseevna Selivanovskaya
Humanistic psychology gives people the opportunity to realize that they are free. They are not absolutely free, but they are free to choose, they are free to have their life, their specialness, their happiness and love. People are not I'll explain lies beneath the blind elements and instincts, she is the creator of her own but. By her nature, a person of goodness and greatness of goodness, you need just a little help with whom.
Roman Mikolayovich Melnichenko
I believe that humanistic psychotherapy promotes the development of a healthy creative personality, touching on the highest spiritual values. More precisely, it helps the individual in the pursuit of self-actualization, awareness of the meaning of life, deepening and understanding of its uniqueness. r
Victoria Sergeevna Shatalova-Govtva
Due to freedom of choice and responsibility, a person abandons negativism and focuses on positive self-realization and the realization of creative abilities.
In this approach, it is necessary to help a person understand and accept himself, as well as accept other people for who they are in fact. This helps to look at the world more realistically and rationally assess current situations.![]()
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